Monday, August 24, 2009

ZigBee Wireless Technology

The Wireless technology that I had used in my Wireless Mouse using Accelerometer is ZigBee. ZigBee is easy to configure and it can communicate with no: of nodes at a time...

You can see purchase details of ZigBee modules from here...

The connection diagram for ZigBee modules is shown below...

Serial cable replacement for the serial cable replacement we have to configure some parameters on the XBee's we are going to use, these parameters are:

- serial port baud rate - ATBD
- network identifier - ATID
- node identifier - ATMY
- destination node identifier - ATDL


- An XBee module 1 - network ID 3332 - speed 1200 - address 0 - destination 1

- An XBee module 2 - network ID 3332 - speed 1200 - address 1 - destination 0

The command sequence to send would be:

In the XBee module 1
Command ............. Response
+++ .......................... Ok
ATID ........................ 3332
ATBD ....................... 3 (this means 9600 baud rate)
ATBD0 ..................... OK (so I change it to 1200)
ATMY0 ..................... OK
ATDL1 ...................... OK
ATWR ...................... OK (to write the configuration to memory)

In the XBee module 2
Command ............. Response
+++ ........................... Ok
ATID ......................... 3332
ATBD ......................... 3 (this means 9600 baud rate)
ATBD0 ....................... OK (so I change it to 1200)
ATMY1 ....................... OK
ATDL0 ........................ OK
ATWR ........................ OK (to write the configuration to memory)

Now you have both the XBee modules ready to communicate wirelessly (a wireless serial port).


  1. Dear Mohamed,

    You doing a great work, but I need more details about this project. Kindly can you contact me please via my email (

    I'm M.Sc. Student and I need your help

    Thank you my friend

    Bilal Al-Hindawi
    Baghdad, Iraq

  2. Dear Mohamed,

    Me and three friends are doing exactly the same project as you made. We are studying to become industrial engineers in electronics/ICT and are in our third year. We study at Groep T in Belgium.

    Can you tell me if you managed to make a Plug-'n-Play computer mouse using the ZigBee technology?

    Where did you get the modules to put in the mouse and to connect to your computer?

    Thanks in advance,
    Nick Vandenbroeck
    Leuven, Belgium

  3. Dear Mohamed,

    I have a few question would like to ask you about Zigbees with sensor. Kindly can contact me through my mail (

    Thank you.

  4. Dear Mohammad,

    Does the pic 16f877a work with the xbee transceivers ?

    Thank you in advance. is my email

  5. Dear Mohammad,

    Does the pic 16f877a work with the xbee transceivers ?

    Thank you very much in advance. is my email
    Ibrahem hussein

  6. Sir. I am an engineering student. Our thesis includes zigbee protocol specifically Xbee24 as our module. Please send me the circuit diagram of xbee24 interfaced with PIC16f877A microcontroller at

  7. Salam Mohammad,

    Please send me the circuit diagram of xbee24 interfaced with PIC16f877A microcontroller at:

    Please it's very urgent
